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PALISI Approved Survey: Antimicrobial Stewardship for Prescribers in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

Antimicrobial Stewardship for Prescribers in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit


To whom it may concern,

We are writing to ask for your help in a national study of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of antimicrobial prescribers in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (PCICU). We are asking that all who are involved in the prescription and selection of antimicrobials in the PCICU participate in our survey.

Hospital antibiotic stewardship programs have successfully identified opportunities to reduce risk of antimicrobial resistance. However, given patient complexity, antimicrobial courses are often broader and longer in the PCICU. Understanding drivers and barriers to appropriate antimicrobial prescription will lead to improved communication between PCICU and stewardship teams, which is vital for patient safety. Thus, we developed a survey aimed to assess collective knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of PCICU providers regarding antimicrobial stewardship.

We request you respond as an individual (i.e., not at an institutional level).

 Participation is voluntary. Your answers will be confidential, and you will not be identified from this questionnaire. Your views on this topic would be helpful and your response will increase the accuracy of the survey results. Completion of the questionnaire should take approximately 5-10 minutes.

You can reach the survey through the following link:

We appreciate your interest in this study.

Please contact Gabriel Apfel (Investigator) at or Irene Frantzis (Principal Investigator) at for any questions.

We would also be very grateful if you could forward this email to all colleagues who might also be interested in taking part.

Thank you,

Gabriel and Irene




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405 Maple Ave Ste 2477

Burlington,NC 27216



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Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Network

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